Monday 31 December 2018

Do you know How Often Should You Really Change Your Oil?

Oil change coupons Silverdale wa

Do you really know how often should you really change your oil?  Auto shops have found that often car owners will skip an oil change because they think they are saving money or they simply don’t know what kind of oil change is wanted for their vehicle.  

If you are in that category, just be aware that the repair for engine damage caused by dirty or low oil is far more expensive than paying for regular oil changes.  Many auto shops offer oil change coupons to make timely oil changes more reasonable for their customers!

5 facts you should know about oil changes:

  1. Purpose.  Clean oil keeps the engine greased so that the metal components aren’t grinding against each other and creating unnecessary heat.  Changing the oil carries away dirt, dust, and other impurities that can clog up the engine parts.
  2. Mileage Interval.  Depends on the age of your car, the type of oil used, and your driving conditions. With today’s upgraded oils, the interval for various engines is now between 5,000 to 7,500 miles, or some oil (particularly full synthetic oil) is good for 15,000 miles.  
  3. Warning Light.   Many warning lights are programmed to come on automatically at the 3,000 mile mark after every oil change.  
  4. Temperature.  The Society of Automotive Engineers developed designations to indicate the viscosity of oil.  It is generally less viscous (thinner) when cold and more viscous when hot.  For example, for 10-30W oil--the "10" refers to the thickness when the engine is cold and the "30" refers to the thickness when the engine is hot.    
  5. Type of Oil.  There are three common types of oil--conventional, premium, and synthetic.  Definite high-tech engines require synthetic oils, while more mainstream engines typically use conventional oils. Premium oils have extra additives useful for special driving wants, and blends that combine synthetic and premium conventional oils are often used for trucks and SUVs. 

Keeping up with oil changes is the most profitable maintenance item wanted to keep your vehicle operating at its peak performance level.   Follow your owner’s manual or ask your auto mechanic about the appropriate mileage interval and what type of oil is best for your vehicle.

Do you want to know more about how often should you really change your oil?  Contact our ASE Certified specialists at theWrench, Ltd. Car Care Center today about our oil change coupons and to Make an appointment. Our ASE Certified auto shop proudly serves residents in Silverdale, WA, and the surrounding area.