Sunday 27 November 2016

Is Car Service On Your Winter Checklist?

Car Repair Silverdale WA

We all have tasks that we put off because we don’t feel an immediate need or feel that we don’t have the time or money to accomplish them. This procrastination is often counter-productive, especially when it comes to regular car service. Following recommended guidelines saves car owners time and money in the long run.

If you are looking for quality Radiator Replacement Silverdale WA than find our dedicated Car Repair Silverdale WA shop. Also meet our Car Tune Up Silverdale WA mechanic for your vehicle’s safety. 

You may not feel like preventative car maintenance is a pressing matter but neglecting regular car repair can mean a fix may end up costing thousands instead of hundreds or less. Incorrect tire pressure can cause blowouts and accidents. Failing to check your headlights, wiper fluid, and wiper blades can cause lower visibility. Avoiding regular car repair can also decrease your gas mileage, affecting your checkbook more the longer you put it off.

While following recommended car service intervals is important, it does not have to be overwhelming. Start by taking the time to get comfortable with your owner’s manual. Using a list specific to your car may keep you from spending more money than is necessary. You can make keeping track easier on yourself by putting the schedule in your phone or planner. Ask your auto shop to set you up with emails to notify you when your car needs a manufacturer’s recommended service.

Car owners want to extend the life of their vehicle and make sure it is safe to drive. Make sure your vehicle is ready for the winter by reading your owner’s manual, finding a trusted car service professional, and setting up alerts for scheduled maintenance. Following these tips will keep you safely on the road for a long time.

Need to take care of a car repair before winter gets here? Contact our ASE Certified technicians at theWrench, Ltd. Car Care Center today for more information about basic car servcie and to schedule an appointment. Our auto shop proudly serves residents in Silverdale, WA, and the surrounding area.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Need Advice for Transmission Repair?

More than likely, you drive your car on a daily basis, so no one knows better than you if something seems off. Transmission repair can be expensive, but it does not have to be. With proper transmission service and vigilance, most problems can usually be avoided.

If you are looking for Transmission Service Silverdale WA than find our dedicated Auto Repair Shop Silverdale WA shop. Meet our expert Car Diagnostics Silverdale WA for engine rebuilds service.
The majority of vehicles on the road today have automatic transmissions, i.e. not "stick-shift" or manual transmissions. In light of that, for the purposes of this article, we will be addressing automatic transmissions.


Often, there are physical side effects of a failing transmission. What we mean is there is something you can see that will indicate something is wrong. One of the most common indicators of transmission issues is leaking fluid. Your transmission has seals and gaskets in certain areas and over time these can fail and create leaks. To distinguish transmission fluid from oil, power steering fluid, etc. check the color. Transmission fluid is dark red in color. It can be black, but that would indicate burnt or compromised fluid and this fluid would have a burnt smell.


A car in need of transmission repair can drive differently. You may feel the transmission "slipping". This means the car is literally slipping into another gear without reason. Automatic cars shift at certain intervals related to the speed you are driving. Failing transmissions will randomly shift into another gear or refuse to shift when they should. They can even pop into neutral while you are driving.

A vehicle can also "bang" into gear. It will be noisy and jarring. It could also refuse to shift into a certain gear such as reverse.

These indicators mean your car is in need of a transmission service at the very least. Many of these issues can be avoided by having your vehicle's transmission serviced at regular intervals. Ask your transmission repair specialist for advice as to what kind of service is needed when!

Have you taken care of a needed transmission repair? Contact our ASE Certified technicians at theWrench, Ltd. Car Care Center today for more information about transmission service and to schedule an appointment. Our auto shop proudly serves residents in Silverdale, WA, and the surrounding area.